Why I Ski or Ride | Chapter 5: The Bearman Boyne Mountain Adventure

A series of stories from skiers and riders, and why they love what they do.


Chapter 5: The Bearman Boyne Mountain Adventure

Fred Bearman, a neighboring Hoosier, and fellow skier takes us back to his first memories of skiing and why he continues to ski to this day.

The Bearman family, from Hoagland, Indiana, have been skiing in Northern Michigan for 50 years - and are still going strong!

Fred and his sister, Sheri, began skiing at the ages of 9 and 6. The rest of the clan started at the early age of 3. Every year, their parents had the children save up their change for the "ski jug" so they could take a week-long family trip to Boyne Mountain. A week of ski, family time, heated pools, card games, and a whole lot of Faygo soda.

"I will always cherish the best years of my life spending a whole week skiing with my parents and siblings Sheri, Ted, Kristie, Jamie, and Vickie," says Fred.


Now, in his 50's, Fred and his family continue to take their annual ski trip to Boyne Mountain (never leaving the Faygo soda behind). The Bearman's carry on their tradition not only to remember the good times they had as children but to create new memories for their own.

"Thank you to Boyne Mountain for continuing my journey on the slopes."

- Fred Bearman



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