National Play Outside Day: 10 Ways To Play

National Play Outside Day

Here at Boyne Country Sports, we love to have a good time. Especially when it means time outside. From the summery days on the water to the bluebird days on the slopes, we are always hungry for the next adventure. 

Rain or shine, any day outside is worthy of play. Mother Nature teased us this week, reminding us that winter is on the way. But before you swap out the summer toys for skis and pack away your tank tops to make room for down jackets, she has yet another perfect fall weekend planned for us. 

Mark your calendar and make it a tradition - the first Saturday of every month is #NationalPlayOutsideDay. Take advantage of this monthly opportunity (or excuse) for you to leave work at the office, get out of the house, turn off your phone, and try something new. Or reunite with something you haven't done in a  long time. Or your last chance to squeeze something in before winter arrives.

Why National Play Outside Day?

Well... first and foremost, IT'S FUN. Time outside is stimulating in many ways. It's good for the body, soul, and mind. It's freeing - free from routine, enclosed spaces, and frames of mind. You might be surprised by the amount of energy, clarity, and motivation you bring home after a day spent in the Great Outdoors.

Here are 10 ideas on how you can get out this weekend and enjoy #NationalPlayOutsideDay:

  1. Plan a girl's trip. Between work, life at home, and all the other stressors that come with "adulting," time with good company is much needed. Call the girls, pack the wine, and throw a dart at the map. Whether it's a day trip or a weekend excursion, spend quality time outdoors with your favorite people.
  2. Work on a project. I think we can all agree that we get a little over-ambitious when we start planning summer projects. This is your chance. Finish that project you've been putting off all summer - this might be the last chance you get before you add it to next summer's to-do list. If you finish your project, be sure and reward yourself with good spirits (wink, wink).
  3. Get your tires muddy. If you are a Michigander, you know that when we refer to "toys" we mean ATV's and ORV's. Hit the two tracks this weekend and get your tires muddy. *Be sure to do your research on trails that are available to ORV's and ATV's. Find a trail near you.
  4. Bring home the big buck. Hunting season is in session. Enjoy a cool and quiet morning with no distractions. Hunting is a great way to bring out your primal instincts and become one with nature. And fill up the deep freezer for a warm venison chili recipe on a cold day in December. Check out the DNR season information before you head out.
  5. Go for a float. It's a common misconception that you need warm weather to enjoy a day on the river. We will be the first to say that is false. Some of the most enjoyable days on the river are, in fact, during the fall and winter. Less traffic, breathtaking scenery, life is good.
  6. Take some "you" time. Hiking is arguably the best and easiest way to clear your mind after a long day at work or a hard day at home. Sometimes, you just need a little "you" time. Hiking in the fall is enchanting - crisp cool air, the smell of fall leaves, and nothing but you and the good ol' trail. There is an abundance of nature preserves and hiking trails throughout Michigan. Revisit your favorite trail or venture out to a new one.
  7. Try a new recipe. We mentioned venison chili... now our bellies are grumbling. Head out to an outdoor picnic area or fire up the grill on the back deck. Find your inner Gordon Ramsay and try a new recipe - outdoors.
  8. Cast a line. Over the river and through the... oh wait, actually, this is a good spot. Let's stay right here. The rivers are flowing and so are the fish. Pack up the tackle box and go rip some lip.
  9. Sit by the fire. 60-degree weather on a fall evening? Yes, please. Stoke up the fire. If you don't enjoy a cold beer by a warm fire, telling what my dad would call "horse-feather stories," then I'm questioning our friendship.
  10. Hit the road. Load up the truck for who knows what and bring Fido along. Sometimes all you need is the open road, no plan, John Denver singing in the background, and man's (or woman's) best friend.

What would an adventure be without the appropriate apparel? Stop in your local Boyne Country Sports to find the best fit for your adventure. 

To name a few recommendations, check out styles from KUHL, Prana, and Cotopaxi. All brands that design quality apparel for any style of adventure.

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